I decided to start with my veil, as I figured this would be easy as I knew exactly what I wanted.... how wrong was i???
I wanted a mid length, 2 tier veil, with crystals and some detailing on the edge.... simple eh? Couldnt find one i liked anywhere!!
I tried the 'design your own sites' but i wasnt sure if what i was designing was going to be the right length or design i expected it to be.
I stumbled across the UK wedding veil site (good ol' google!) and found a veil that i loved, but it wasnt quite right - it was missing the crystals -

I tried to recreate it using their design service, but wasnt happy, so connected to their 'live web chat' tool....
I spoke to a lovely lady called Dawn, and she said I would be able to add the crystals to this veil. I placed my order, and after payment (it was cheaper than the one on their site strangely enough!), we agreed it would be delivered in about 10 days as I would be around to receive it...
About 7 days later, a knock on the door - recorded delivery item for me.... yes, it was my veil!!
I ran upstaits and took it out of its packaging...... its gorgeous!! Exactly as i wanted it to look, and its just the right length and lovely!! I quickly put it on, and felt amazing!
I reluctantly removed it, then re-wrapped it and stored it away with my other bits and bobs...... cant wait to see what it looks like with my dress..... should be lush!!